Schools do not want their problems advertised and teachers do not want their personal information publicized.
QUESTION : "How is school or private information used?"
Verification : Clemtec's executives, associates, or adjunct employees will not travel to any school or school district to provide services without authorization, verification, and written invitation. Emergency conditions are the only exceptions.(mass assault, school shootings, etc.) See privacy policy under legal for specific exceptions
We do not share information with third parties. Information we acquire is used to provide services our clients request.
The information we ask about or collect is listed below.
1. Your name,title, and school position
2. Your Address and school address
3. Your phone and school contact number.
4. Your schools information.
5. Person authorized to sign contracts
6. Brief summary of your schools problem
7. Why did you choose our company.?
One neglected child is too much, and two neglected children are too many.